About Dev:
Superior OS is a AOSP based custom ROM with some minimal features to fullfill the users demands nowadays.
Rom Info
Click Here For Screenshots
Download Link
Download ROM: SuperiorOS
Download Gapps: OpenGApps
Credit & Contributors
Xda Forum,SuperiorOS Core Team,AOSP,Lineage OS,DotOS,Nitrogen OS,AOSP Extended,Pixel Experience,ABC,Syberia OS ,Pixys OS,ArrowOS,Dirty Unicorns And all other open source Devs/Teams
Aryan Kedare
Billou&Audrey for testing:3
And etc.
Superior OS is a AOSP based custom ROM with some minimal features to fullfill the users demands nowadays.
Rom Info
- ROM OS Version: 9.0
- ROM Kernel: Linux 3.18
- ROM Firmware Required: Must be on Latest Firmware
- Based On: AOSP
Click Here For Screenshots
- Clock and Date.
- Statusbar icons.
- Traffic indicators.
- Show data disabled icon.
- 4G Icon Instead of LTE.
- Battery percent styles.
- VoLTE Toggle.
- Option to Display Data Disabled Indicator Icon. Navigation Bar:
- Enable/Disable Navbar.
- Navbar Pulse. QUICK SETTINGS:
- Tiles track accent color toogle.
- Quick pulldown.
- Rows and columns tweaks.
- QS panel opacity,
- QS brightness slider position.
- QS Header Styles.
- QS Tile Style. RECENTS:
- Permanately Hide apps.
- Choose Recent Styles. LOCKSCREEN:
- Double-tap to sleep.
- Lockscreen Tuner.
- Charging info.
- Face auto unlock.
- Fingerprint Authentication Vibration.
- Lockscreen Clock Widget Fonts.
- Lockscreen Media Art.
- Lockscreen Date Font Styles.
- Lockscreen Visualizer.
- Lockscreen Weather like Pixels. BUTTONS:
- H/W keys customisation. NOTIFICATIONS:
- Headsup Customisations.
- Incall Vibrations.
- Battery light customization.
- Blink Flashlight on Call. MISC:
- Three Finger Screenshot.
- Volume rocker music control.
- Toast App Icon.
- AppOps.
- Pocket Mode. Others:
- Accent Color Manager.
- Scramble pin on lockscreen.
- lockscreen quick unlock.
- Call Recording.
- Forward port CM Screen Security settings (4x4, 5x5, 6x6).
- Lockscreen Charging animation.
- Lockscreen Powermenu Visibility .
- OP Gestures.
- Doubletap or longpress power to toggle flashlight Lots more to come soon!..Stay Tuned!!!
Download Link
Download ROM: SuperiorOS
Download Gapps: OpenGApps
Note : Nano and above Gapps are recommended
Credit & Contributors
Xda Forum,SuperiorOS Core Team,AOSP,Lineage OS,DotOS,Nitrogen OS,AOSP Extended,Pixel Experience,ABC,Syberia OS ,Pixys OS,ArrowOS,Dirty Unicorns And all other open source Devs/Teams
Aryan Kedare
Billou&Audrey for testing:3
And etc.