About Dev
This is Candy8. Built straight from source with commits from a variety of different Sources/ROMS. We wanted to give the users a fun, fully customizable ROM. We aim to add more features as this project progresses.
Rom Info
ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: Latest
Based On: AOSP
Status: Stable
- Volume buttons up/down for Do Not Disturb
- Swap volume buttons on rotation
- Volume keys control media volume (or the default ringtone/notification volume)
- Long press volume playback control
- Screen off power button torch (double press and long press)
- Double tap to sleep on lock screen
- Show media cover art
- Clock options:
- Alignment
- Display seconds
- AM/PM & Date display and format
- Battery settings:
- Battery icon style
- Custom battery saver mode color
- Navbar options:
- Stock navbar
- Smartbar
- Fling
- Pulse
- Hardware keys:
- Hardware Key Rebinding
- Hardware lights controls
- Accidental Touch mode
- Launch music app on headset connection
- Launch music app on headset customization
- Slim or AOSP Recents
- Gesture Anywhere
- Rootless Substratum support
- Night light
- Network name display option
- Prevent accidental wake up via proximity sensor
- Ambient display with custom brightness
- Double tap to wake (supported devices only)
- Device theme (Substratum if installed, Pixel, Stock)
- Finer DPI and Resolution selections
- Pixel sounds
- Quick PIN unlock
- Root management options (if rooted)
- OnePlus Doze (supported devices only)
- Screen off gestures (supported devices only)
- Notification slider options (supported devices only)
- SystemUI Tuner
Download Link
>Rom >Downloads
>Gapps >Downloads
How to Install
- Download latest build & gapps.
- Boot into latest TWRP.
- Wipe system, cache
- Flash the ROM & twrp installer.
- Reboot back to recovery & flash gapps & Magisk.
- Reboot device & enjoy the candy
AryanPatidar, @33bca
Xda Forum
Come visit us on Telegram: @CandyRoms