We are a Brazilian team, ViperOS aims to bring stability and useful features. If you are looking for a stable ROM with true tested features, minimal bugs and no Lineage bloatwares, then this is the place to be.
- Traffic indicators
- Statusbar items
- Clock & date
- Battery icon settings
- Carrier label
- Quick settings personalization
- Other statusbar settings
- VPN icon toggle
- Data saver icon toggle
- VoLTE icon
- Viper statusbar logo
- Option to Display Data Disabled indicator Icons
- Ticker
- Heads up toogle, timeout and snooze function
- Add/Remove QS shortcuts with one click
- Custom lockscreen settings
- Lockscreen weather
- Option to hide lockscreen clock, date & alarm text
- Hide status bar on lockscreen
- Hide power menu on secure lockscreen
- Hide quick settings on secure lockscreen
- Lockscreen flashlight, double tap anywhere to sleep and disable media image
- Round button on recents
- Recents style toggle: cards and grid
- Recents membar
- Viper Color Engine built from scratch
- Lawnchair as default launcher (+DT2S)
- Navbar enable/disable
- Pixel navbar (with animation) toggle
- Dynamic navbar
- Navbar dimensions
- Navbar button layout
- Hardware keys binding
- Hardware keys enable/disable
- Kill app with back button
- Power menu customization
- Heads up toogle, timeout and snooze function
- Reset battery stats
- Wired headset: make ringtone audio focus customizable
- Live volume steps
- Hide arrows in network traffic indicators
- Fingerprint authentication vibration
- Toast icon switch
- Advanced Bluetooth, Data, Wifi Toggles
- Disable/enable screenshot sound
- QS header icon settings
- Header date and time positions
- Unlock keystore with fingerprint
- Ability to toggle vibration when double tapping power button for camera
- Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
- Drop Lineage LockClock, use OmniJaws
- Drop AOSP Clock app, use from Google
- Custom ambient display settings
- Three Fingers Swipe for Screenshot
- PA Accidental Touch
Download Link
Download Gapps (Use Nano)
All ViperOS Team
LineageOS team
ResurrectionRemix team
crDroid team
And all other open source Devs/Teams I may have missed!
Note: Huge thaks to @abhishek987 for their work.
All ViperOS Team
LineageOS team
ResurrectionRemix team
crDroid team
And all other open source Devs/Teams I may have missed!
Note: Huge thaks to @abhishek987 for their work.