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About Dev
MoKee Open Source is based on the Google AOSP. We update our source code frequently to keep up with the latest development, and not forgetting to merge in special features of our own at the same time.
A small group of people from around the world who are interested in Android launched this project on the 12th of December 2012, and is committed to make this ROM better and better. Like most contributors of open source projects (Omni, CyanogenMod, Slim AOSPA etc), we are doing all these in our free time as our passion…
Since this project is open source, anyone interested can participate in the development (maintain new devices, contribute code etc). Newcomers are always welcomed!

Rom Info
ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.x
Based On: LineageOS
Device: Redmi 4A(Rolex)

Download Link
How To Install

  1. Copy ROM to SDCard/Internal Memory
  2. Copy GApps to SDCard/Internal Memory
  3. Boot into recovery
  4. Backup EFS partition
  5. Wipe -> Advanced Wipe -> Dalvik + System + Cache + Data
  6. Install ROM
  7. Install GApps
  8. Reboot
  9. First start takes a long time (like 5-10 min)

Credits & collaborations:
xda forum
manucarcor, Carlos Arriaga
This work is due to efforts from RedmiDevs founding members that did the full device bring-up. Huge thanks to my friend @offain.