Potato Open Sauce Project is a butter smooth Android aftermarket firmware. We handpicked the best features around and are adding our own sauce to it.
Get ready to taste the unique features it brings with itself.
We aim to deliver an experience with original ideas and features along with the useful things the community is accustomed to.
Rom Info
Android Version : 9.x Pie
Kernel Version : 3.18.x
Status : Beta
Statusbar settings
- Clock customisation
- Carrier label customisation
- Battery icon options
- Network activity indicators
- Base color options
- Over 15 accents to choose from
- Light, Dark and Black styles
- Tinting of settings icons independently
- Rounded corners and content padding customisations
And More..
Download Link
ROM: POSP mido
GApps: OpenGApps
How to Install ?
- Reboot Recovery
- Wipe System,data,cache,dalvik
- Install Rom,Install Gapps
- Reboot and Enjoy
Team Potato
Joshua Baldassarre
Google for AOSP
Team Potato
Dirty Unicorns
@hundeva for Lean Launcher
TheScarastic @github
Zeelog @github
Special thanks to @akhilnarang and @sagarshah1729 for https://review.potatoproject.co and the domain