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About Project:
Citrus-CAF, unlike the name suggests, was initially based off CyanogenMod, in the early days of Marshmallow, we even had another name at that point. Later, taking into consideration feedbacks of the very first slew of testers and carefully studying the needs and demands of our users, we rebased the project to Code Aurora Sources, more commonly known as CAF. Time went by and Nougat released, and we decided that it was time, Citrus-CAF had to see the daylight. We rebased everything to the brank spanking Nougat released. Later we realized the true potential of CAF tags, how each of them altered the device performance on different SOCs. After a lot of thinking, we decided to keep different sources for difference SOCs in our git and hours of debugging later, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 was the first device to get a taste of our Tangy Nougat. In the beginning, it was just two people behind , but in time, a lot of people

Rom Info
Os Version : Android 7
Linux Kernel : 3.x
Status : Stable
Base : CAF



  • Battery percentage
  • Battery Styles [Including AOSPA Style]
  • Charging Symbol Near Charging Percentage [Flash Logo etc]
  • Show AM/PM toggle
  • Time alignmentBattery LED (shows only if device supports)
  • Lights with screen on (only if device supports)
  • Play music QS,NFC,Reboot and many extra tile
  • Moved SystemUI to Custom Squash

UI Tweaks

  • Expanded Desktop
  • Wake on Plug Toggle
  • Volume Steps
  • Customize Other Sounds
  • Less Notification Sound
  • Increasing Ring
  • Custom logos
  • Unlink Notification and Ringer Volume
  • Qs Quick pull-down
  • Enabled Night Light

And More..

Bugs: Hotspot
Download Link
>ROM Here

How to Install ?

  • Download ROM and GAPPS(open gapps micro or anno recommended)
  • Reboot to recovery and Backup existing ROM
  • Wipe SystemData, ART cacheCache
  • Flash ROM, Gapps and reboot... 

avirk, @Nik001, @muralivijay
Extreme apologies if we've missed out someone, please feel free to PM, in case we've forgotten to pin your name here!