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About Dev
XenonHD is a custom firmware aka ROM for various Android devices. It is based on LineageOS 16.0 with additional features, performance and battery life improvements.
The idea behind XenonHD is to give users a ROM that is "blazing fast, rock stable and buttery smooth".

Rom Info
ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: Latest
Based On: Lineage OS

  • Full Substratum support
  • MiXplorer built in
  • Kernel Auditor built in
  • Nova Launcher built in
  • AdAway built in
  • System UI customization

Download Link


How to Install
  1. Reboot into TWRP
  2. Flash ROM and Gapps
  3. Highly recommend to flash custom kernel such as Notorious or Prime
  4. Reboot

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