About Dev
XenonHD is a custom firmware aka ROM for various Android devices. It is based on LineageOS 16.0 with additional features, performance and battery life improvements.
The idea behind XenonHD is to give users a ROM that is "blazing fast, rock stable and buttery smooth".
Rom Info
ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: Latest
Based On: Lineage OS
- Full Substratum support
- MiXplorer built in
- Kernel Auditor built in
- Nova Launcher built in
- AdAway built in
- System UI customization
Download Link
OpenGapps : https://opengapps.org
How to Install
- Reboot into TWRP
- Flash ROM and Gapps
- Highly recommend to flash custom kernel such as Notorious or Prime
- Reboot
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