AOSP Extended is an AOSP based ROM which provides stock UI/UX with various customisations features along with the Substratum theme engine. The project has been made by cherry-picking various commits from various other projects. Being based on AOSP it provides a smooth and lag-free experience out of the box. We will constantly try to add more features and make it even better in future updates. A ROM by a user, for a user. #StayAOSP #ExtendYourDevice #BeExtended
-Substratum Theme Engine
-Omni's QSHeaders Background
-One Handed UI
-Grid Recents UI
-Expanded Desktop
-Statusbar Clock/Date Customizations
-Dashboard Suggestions/Summaries (Enable/Disable)
-Notification Intervals
-Increasing Volume in Ringtone
-D2S On Navbar
-Long Press Back button to Kill App
-Dashboard Column Configurations
-Detailed Location QS Tile!
-Statusbar Traffic Indicators
-Notification Count
-DT2S On Statusbar
-QS Quick Pulldown
-QS Brightness Slider (Enable/Disable)
-QS Tiles Animations
-Force Expand Notifications (Enable/Disable)
-Immersive Mode messages (Enable/Disable)
-Flashlight Notifications
-Immersive Recents
-Toast Icon
-MediaScanner Behaviour On Boot
-Power Menu Customizations
-Additional Battery Saver steps
-Volume Rocker Tweaks (Wake/Music seek/Keyboard cursor control/Swap in landscape mode)
-Add Gestures Back to Settings App
-QS Haptic Feedback
-One Tap Data & Wifi Tile
-Auto Brightness Icon Toggle
-Breathing Notifications
-Clickable Clock and Date in Statusbar Header
-Long Press Gear Icon in Statusbar Header Launches Extensions
-Show 4G instead LTE switch
-Night Mode QS Tile
-Long press Caffeine Tile Action
-Customize QS Rows/Columns
-Customize small QS Tiles
-StatusBar Brightness Control
-Lockscreen Shortcut
-Double Tap on Lockscreen to Sleep
-Quick Unlock for PIN/Password
-Battery Styles and Percentage
-Navbar QS Tile
-Flip Button Animation
-Unlink Notification Volume
-Status bar Clock Seconds
-Partial Screenshot Type
-Screenshot Delay
-VIA Browser
-Retro Music Player
-Pixel's UI (Navbar/Accent/Pixellauncher)
-Camera Sound Toggle
-Advance Ambient Display
-Longpress Power Button on Lockscreen for Torch
-Disable FC
-Wakelock Blocker
-Toggle Lockscreen Media Art
-Toggle Lockscreen Music Visualizer
-Bluetooth QS Tile Easy Toggle
-Disable QS on Lockscreen
-Invert Ambient Display's Color
-Toggle Dynamic Notification Card's Color
-Low Battery Notification Toggle
-Hide Clock/Date/Alarm Text from Lockscreen
-Lockscreen Clock's Font Customizations
-Weather on Lockscreen
-Heads up Customizations
-DU's HW Button Rebinding
-Button Backlight Customizations
-Recents Clear All FAB button and Re-positioning
-Recents Free Ram bar
-Custom Carrier label
-Dynamic Navbar
-Paranoid Android PIE Controls
-Pocket Lock & Pocket Judge (Accidental Touch)
-Toggle power menu on Lockscreen
-Grid Recents
-CPU info switch
-Disable orange color in battery saver mode
-PiP QS tile
-New pretty adaptive icons for included AOSP apps
-Toggle Always On display
-Run SysUI tuner from Extensions
-Built in DarkUI with multiple accents
Click Here
Google Apps
-GApps for ROM
-Download the ROM and GApps of your choice
-Backup each and every partition from TWRP Recovery
-Make a full wipe (system, data, cache, dalvik)
-Flash AEX Package
-Install GAPPS package
-Wipe cache!
-And at last Reboot!
[First boot will take few minutes! Have patience]
Clean Flash is always recommended!
Credit & Fax
-JDC Team
-Nitrogen Project
-Pure Nexus
-GZR Community
-Lakor Tools for Via Browser
-Hemanth S Tobi for Retro Music Player
-@AlienCreature7 and @Wizper99 (For designing the ROM Logo, Fling etc)