Custom ROM [Unofficial] Viper OS for Samsung Galaxy J200H
ViperOS aims to bring stability and useful features. If you are looking for a stable ROM with true tested features, minimal bugs and no Lineage bloatwares, then this is the place to be.
- Traffic indicators
- Statusbar items
- Clock & date
- Battery icon settings
- Carrier label
- Quick settings personalization
- Other statusbar settings
- Custom lockscreen settings
- Lockscreen weather
Multi tasking
- Round button on recents
- Beautiful black theme
- Navbar enable/disable
- Pixel navbar (with animation) toggle
- Dynamic navbar
- Navbar dimensions
- Navbar button layout
- Hardware keys binding
- Hardware keys enable/disable
- Kill app with back button
- Power menu customization
Many other customizations, install and take a look
Download Link
ROM Download
Thanks To ~
~Xda Dev
lzzy12, samankh ,kumpulbagi