Custom ROM Skies UX v1 for Samsung Galaxy J2
Kali ini saya akan bagikan Rom yg lumayan juga buat sehari-hari ,Skies ROM ini berbasi Android Marshmallow 6.0 Selain itu banyak fitur di dalamnya..
ROM Features:
- Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow
- Based on A7 2017 A720FXXS1AQF5 firmware
- May security patch (01.05.17)
- A7 2017 frameworks & apps
- Compatible with all the Galaxy J2 LTE variants (J200F/M/G/GU/BT)
- Fast & Stable
- Prerooted with Magisk, Busybox'd
- Init.d support
- Heavy Debloated
- Deknoxed
- Zipaligned in boot
- Tweaked for best performance
- Aroma Installer with a lot of preferences (Apps, Ui etc)
- Night Clock
- Camera : Use Custom Camera From Google Play Store Untill It Fixed.
- VoLTE : Jio Users Please Use Jio4GVoice App From Play Store For Calling!
- Video CAM : To Get Video Cam Work.Open Camea-->Settings-->Change Video Recording Resolution To--> HD.
Download Link
Google Drive :Skies ROM J2lte | 1GB
@samsung for A7 2017 firmware
@malbert16442 @armaowl @therevelator01 & @OmarPepe for support and tests
@By Zonik @nxteam @corsicanu @Marcelo765 & Aithem Bennington for help and mods
@lijianjunyonghu for Aod blink fix