Tentang ROM Remix Resurrection ROM telah didasarkan pada CM, slim.omni dan Remix ROM asli yang dibangun, ini menciptakan kombinasi yang luar biasa dari kinerja, kustomisasi, kekuatan dan fitur paling baru, yang dibawa langsung ke Perangkat Anda Banyak hal yang di versi sebelumnya di-tweak dengan mod, sekarang dimasukkan secara default di ROM jadi, silakan menikmati!
RR Customizations
- -Enable/Disable Navbar
- -Navbar Button Customization smartbar
- -Navbar Pulse
- -Navbar Fling
- -Double Tap To sleep navbar
- -Brightness Slider
- -Enable/Disable Show Notification Count
- -SuperUser Indicator Switch
- -Double Tap To sleep Statusbar
- -Carrier Label
- -Carrier Label Switch
- -Carrier label Color
- -Carrier Label Size
- -Clock Customizations
- -Time & date
- -Day & date Toogle
- -Center/Right/Left Clock Choice
- -Date Format
- -Clock Font Styles
- -Battery
- -Battery Bar customization
- -Battery Icon Customization(circle/landscape/Potrait and more)
- -Battery % Text
- -Network Traffic Indicator
- -Network Traffic Arrows Switch
- -Incoming/OutGoing Traffic
- -Network traffic Color
- -Statusbar RR Logo
- -RR logo Color
- -Position
- -Custom Logos
- -logo Color
- -Position
- -Style
- -StatusBar Weather
- -Weather Color
- -Weather Position(left/right)
- -Weather Font Style
- -Weather Size
- -StatusBar Ticker
- -Ticker Text color
- -Ticker Icon Color
Other Features
- -Perfomance Profiles
- -LCD Density
- -Expanded Desktop Mode
- -Heads Up Switch and customizations
- -Live Display
- -Configurable 0,90,180,270 Degree Rotation
- -Lock Screen Autorotate Switch
- -Native Tap to Wake From Marshmallow
- -Double Tap Power Button To enable Camera gesture
- -Prevent Accidental Wakeup
- -Wake Phone on Charging Plug
- -Battery Light Customizations
- -Notification Light Customizations
- -Font Size
- -CM privacy guard
- -Performance Tweaks(Kernel Aduitor Inbuilt)
Download Link