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Custom ROM On5v4 for Samsung Galaxy J2Lte Variants

Present by MINHKA_J2MM port rom for samsung galaxy j200g / j200gu/ j200m/ j200f.Using exynos 3475 chipset. This is a stock touchwiz based android 6.0 rom for j2 ported from on5
Rom, kernel info :

  • Cpu overclocked to 1.6 ghz
  • Stock touchwiz 6.0 apps
  • Busmif frequency increased to 825mhz from 666mhz
  • Cpu vontage control

Supported devices :

  • J200gu
  • J200g
  • J200F
  • J200M

( dont try to flash this rom on a unsupported devices like j200h )


For Installation Information :
1. Download the MINHKA_ROM.zip to your sdcard
2. Boot the device in to recovery mode (twrp) then wipe data, cache, davlink, system
3. Select the insatll from sdcard and choose  MINHKA_ROM.zip ,follow the aroma installer instructions
4. Reboot the device
5. First reboot may take several minutes
6. Its not a pre-rooted rom ,so flash supersu after flashing the rom

Download Link

Minhka dev
Jagtar sidhu,bhanu singh for source rom
For visitor ^_^