Information ROM
- Base on G550FYDDU1BQK2 Firmware
- Marshmallow 6.0.1
- Deodexed
- Zipaligned
- No Rooted, you can root with magisk
- BusyBox Support
- Knox Removed
- Build.prop Tweaks
- Aroma Installer
Features On Rom
- Aod
- Blur effect
- Mix app
- Terminal emulator
- FX file manager with root support
- fix charger animation (shutdown the device and plug in the charger)
- chroot script support
- firewall
- very good battery
- and some other mod etc
Support Device
- J200G
- J200GU
- J200F
- J200M
(Other J2 variants based on exynos3475 may also boot
Procedure Installation
- Download eXcustom from below link
- Boot to twrp
- wipe system,data and cache
- flash the rom
- first boot may take 10-15mins