Custom ROM Extreme Ultimate v6.0 Stfor J2 Prime [G532M][G/F] STABLE
-ROM control for great personalization-Bike Mode
-Invert colors
-Aroma installer
-S9 icons and launcher
-New SystemUI
-S8 weather widget
-Xtra apps to install
-FlashNotification to make front-facing camera LED to function as a notification LED!
-Screen record
-App lock
-Floating Messages
-Nougat Gallery
-Nougat Keyboard
-Nougat notifications
-Scroll Caputre
-Edge Screen
-GIF recording
-More to come!
Can't change time manually, only on automaticCan't send SMS from SIM 2 (on dual sim devices), please use a messaging app from the Playstore to fix this, I apologize but I cannot fix it since I do not have a dual-SIM device
Please report any more bugs
Download Link
@ashyx for porting TWRP to our crappy device xd@Misma13 (Red Dragon) for creating Xtreme ROM and all his support to make this a reality
@spacejam for creating the app "FrontFlash Notification" (Original thread here)
@By Zonik for his amazing help and tutorials with ROM control
ROM control GitHub:
Drack1824 for his help in designing and coding a few things in Aroma, and for all the editions to our logos and graphical things, he has amazing designs
Freddyx28x for his inclusion of a few different SystemUI's
@BlackMesa123 for letting me use his Nougat Notification MOD, I really appreciate your trust
@Eleo and the whole NX team for their work on their UI and letting me borrow the battery MOD they used, sorry for taking so long in updating this section
@star53 for helping me get started on this path of learning. I know I must've bugged you way too much when I got started and thanks for having patience with me (and for sharing the interesting things you find )
@Albe96 for your general work and help. You're the man
Extreme Team Dev
-Misma13 (Red Dragon)
Thanks To Xda Dev