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Adobe Captivate 2019 V11.0.1.266 Crack Full Version
Adobe Captivate 2019 Crack: Adobe recently announced the latest version of its industry-leading eLearning authoring tool, Captivate 2019 (aka Captivate 11). This powerful eLearning offering continues to redefine design workflows to empower instructional designers, corporate trainers & educators who want to create exceptional digital learning experiences that meet learners at their point of need. The 2019 release of Adobe Captivate allows you to conquer new learning landscapes with a smart authoring tool that lets you create all kinds of fully-responsive eLearning content.


– Immersive learning with VR experiences.
– 360° learning experiences.
– Create your own or bring in existing YouTube videos, add questions at specific points and conduct knowledge checks.
– Live device preview.
– Fluid boxes 2.0 (Enhanced).
– CSV question import template.
– PowerPoint to mobile learning.
– Interactive videos.
– Generate a QR code that you can scan using a mobile device and mirror the project real-time on your device browser.
– Automatic chroma key effects.
– Smart video recording – Webcam + Screen.
– Automatic device preview.
– Overlay slides.
